Frequently asked questions


Do you travel?

Absolutely! Please get in touch and we can discuss further details.

Will we get all the raw images?

No, each image is hand picked and time is spent to create quality photographs. I do all the culling, and processing to make sure that each image is quality and one you love.

How long does it take to get the wedding photos?

Between 4-6 weeks.

How long does it take to get family photos?

Your online gallery will be sent within two weeks and you will also have the option to purchase prints, frames and albums from Australia's best professional printing lab.

How do we receive our wedding photos?

Photos are delivered to the client via an online gallery which you can share with friends and family if you choose to. You will also have the option to purchase prints, albums and frames from Australia's best professional printing lab.

How do we receive our family photos?

Photos are delivered to the client via an online gallery which you can share with friends and family if you choose to. Depending on package chosen you might also select prints or frames. All images and frames are done through Atkins Photo Lab. I have chosen this beautiful photo lab due to their high quality printing services and products that they offer.

How long are the family sessions?

I usually allow 45 mins- one hour.

Do you have suggestions for planning a wedding and the best time for photos?

I sure do, we can discuss sample timelines depending on the season of your wedding day!